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1953 -1954
NHS Theater begins!

The Gilded Maskers

1953-54 Guilded Maskers Dramatice club officers  (2).jpg

Mr. Darrell Cutter, teacher of the dramatics class, would head The Gilded Maskers through uncharted territory this year. Members of the group would include transfer students from Bakersfield High to open the new school's theater program.

1953-54 Guilded Maskers Dramatice club officers 2  (2).jpg

Other members of the group this year included Ralph Baker, Cliffette Flaherty, Gayle Garth, Judie Hayes, Melba Joslin,  Delores Lindsey, Wallace Loesel, Marjorie Lough, Richard Lerdington, Jesslyn McGill, Todd Mauldin, Ruby Lauau, Bruce Spencer, Edna Tracy, Barbara Duehren. 

Elected Officers included Joy Glascock, president, and Earlene Hollis, secretary-treasurer and also a National Thespian

The first theatrical production at North High was an acting/ musical co-op of The Second Shepherd's Play  performed in the original boy's gym.

When North High School opened in 1953, there were only plans for a proper theater building. Until that time, campus spaces were used for performances, such as the boy's gym, the cafeteria, a.k.a. Star Theater in-the-round, or the outdoor amphitheater, a.k.a. Moonlight Theater.


When these just wouldn't do, the Gilded Maskers chose to perform on the Standard School stage. Such was the case with The Imaginary Invalid, probably the spring play that first year.

The record shows that the production by The Gilded Maskers of The Imaginary Invalid was of the full-length play by Moliere. The performance was at Standard School theater, since North High was years away from the future on-campus Star Drama Center

A shot from the wings of the stage at Standard School of the Gilded Maskers production of The Imaginary Invalid.

The Gilded Maskers, under Mr. Don Soelberg, continue to entertain and educate.

gilded maskers (2).jpg

The Gilded Maskers this year included, from bottom, Joy Glascock, Ernie Halbert, Peggy Maberry, Ronnie Merrill, David Smith, Earlene Hollis, Mr. Soelberg,  Earla Henton, Gary O'Dell, Doug Powell, Gary Wharton, Erma Hall, Wanda Cone, Linda Turner, Daphne Milner, Arthur Harrington, Bill Adams, Charlotte Reynolds, Lavern Curb, Judy Glascock, Ed Chilla, Judy Johnson.

Boys gym  play 2 (2).jpg

An assembly in the boy's gym included a performance by The Gilded Maskers.

The assembly actors would need lots make up assistance, of course.

The Gilded Maskers would sponsor the Valentine's Dance in February. Here are registrations for "The Sweethearts of North High" dance by Elberta Richardson, Don Williams, Paula Stevenson, Don Ward, Ernie Halbert, and advisor, Mr. Solberg.

Ernie Halbert and friends, national thespians. The Gilded Maskers would soon rename themselves after becoming the chartered Troupe 1293 with the National Thespians Society.

Where's the Fire?
two nights on Standard School stage

Bloomer Girl

was produced by the Community Theater and performed at Bakersfield High's Harvey Auditorium. The play included NHS Thespians.

Director Don Soelberg states in the article that Where's the Fire? is the "first big the history of North High," which makes one wonder about last year's "The Imaginary Invalid." More info is needed...

1955 - 1956
Thespians Troupe 1293, under Mr. Don Soelberg, begin a new year of theater education

Advisor Don Soelberg

Co-Advisor Henry Horwege

The fall production would be a night of three one acts titled Sorority Sisters, A Pair of Lunatics, and Roughly Speaking.

The one acts would be performed on the amphitheater stage at night. Lighting had to be rigged for the event.

A picture of the audience wearing fall jackets would be fun.

looking north 1955 (2).jpg

B Hall, Band Hall, Choir Hall and the amphitheater, circa 1954, long before the Star Drama Center would fill the north lot.

"Curtain Going Up"
annual student body play

The "Curtain Going Up" cast included Bill Smith, David Swartz, Delores Hood, Frances Casey, Cathy Smith, Betty Sheffield, Joan Weaver, Gayle Garth, and Erma Hall.

"In The Darkness"
for the play festival

The cast of "In the Darkness" would perform at Bakersfield High's Harvey Auditorium. Members included Joy Glascock, Judy Stout, Ernie Halpert, Doug Powel.

1955-56 from in the dark.jpg

North High's Girls Service Club would produce the play, "Calamity Jane" on some stage locally.

Moonlight Theater
to wrap up the year

1955-56 moonlight theater in amphitheater 2 (2).jpg

These three one-acts included actors Wally Loesel, Mary Coplin, Ronald Merrill, Joy Glascock, Paula Beckman, Ernie Halbert, Earline Hollis, Judi Stout, Meridee Crawford, Ken Kyle, Art Harrington, David Vogel, Jone Beaman, Janice Tyree, Cherie Carr, Mary Ann Pierson, Betty Lohr.

North High's First
Thespians Seniors

Judy Stout
Ralph Baker
Earline Hollis
Earla Henton
David Smith
Joy Glascock
Charlotte Reynolds
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