
Star Players President Sydney Brunsell

Star Players Vice President Dylan Hedemark

Lawrence Orr
North Star Players
director, advisor
Under the leadership of Sydney and Dylan, the Star Players would forge another year of of productive work. After some rehearsing for the fall play, we had an emergency stop, but our Shakespeare Festival scene from Love's Labors Lost in October kept us in the game.
The Shakespeare Festival

Star Players rehearse for the upcoming Shakespeare Festival and assembly performance of Love's Labors Lost. Pictured includes Audrey Cesero, Jade Smith, Yaylin Figueroa, Kryssa Eubanks, Ali Mouser, Daniel Murray, Destiny Marks, Lanie Bree.

Dierdra Walker and Sydney Brunsell rehearse stage combat.

Bryce Gaglioni

Jade Smith and LanieBree

Yaylin Figueroa

Ali Mouser
The Fall Production:
Crimes of the Heart was not to be...
The spring play:
George Washington Slept Here

Actors and crew members Ivy Polkinghorne and Bryna Nathan work on their dutchman technique in preparations for the opening of George Washington Slept Here.

Scene painter, sound board operator, and beloved theater tech student, Alexa Hutchins, at work.