1988 - 1989
This year's Drama Club (North Star Players) included row 1: Elizabeth Green, Sarah Davies, Sheri Shaffsrall. Crystal Holloway, Monica Gonzalez, row 2: Victoria Burton, Paul Bennett, Laura Leavens, Amy Stoddard, Sarah Nulton, row 3: Dan Irelan, John Davison, John Rummel, Joel Wallin, Chris Davis, Merry Rutledge.
June Gaede and Carol Donahue, both teachers of Drama, would combine their talents for the Star Players this year, as director and advisor.
The Phantom
of the
The Phantom (Joel Wallin) manhandles Christine (Crystal Holloway)
Chris Davis adjusts the hair of Dr. DeBienne; others adjust something else.
Eric is the Phantom of the Opera, played by Joel Wallin.
Ballet Chorus members don their tutus in the dressing room.
Mercier (Eric King) in character.
Anne Culp applies make-up to become Paulette.
Jeff Blanton, made up to play Bournot.
Pam Goff plays Nanette.
Andre (David Hoy) gets tough with Richard (Dan Irelan).
The Phantom, Eric (Joel Wallin) playing the thrilling organ music.
Once Upon a Mattress
Featuring Tamara Hicks
1989 - 1990
This year's North Star Players included some who would contribute to NHS theater in some ground-breaking ways. Row 1: Leanna Reagle, Amy Bailey, Jeni Wood, Crystal Shelton, Kelly Springstead, Joy Olmstead, row 2: James Kahl, Laura Leavens, Suanne Binford, Monica Gonzalez, Amy Stoddard, Joe Spinozzi, row 3: Steve Dobbs, Jeff Rice, Joel Wallin, Robert DeGenova, Lonnie Lopez.
Carol Donahue, director, Drama teacher, and Patty Ford, advisor, would team up for the Star Players productions this year.
North Star Player officers
Stage crew members are often dedicated club officers, such as Star Players Secretary, John Kahl (second from left), and President Jon Davison (third from left). At far left is Jeff Rice, and far right is James Kahl.
Kaufman and Hart's
"You Can't Take It With You"
Auditions for You Can't Take It With You happen on stage just out of the classroom.
Jeff Rice wields power on stage.
Stage crewman James Kahl is directed by Jon Davison.
Cast members include budding actor Russell Fortmeyer (second from left), who would continue as an indispensable Star Player for four years.
Kiley Bates as Essie, dances around and around...
...and around Grampa (Joel Wallin)...
Alice (Rebecca May) introduces Tony (Tim Goree) to the eccentric Sycamore family.
Tony (Tim) sneaks a kiss from Alice (Rebecca).
Jeni Wood does her share of dancing/flitting about the stage as Mrs. Wellington.
It's all fun and games at the Sycamore's, until some Kirbys get hurt.