1976 - 1977
Listed as Thespians in the yearbook, these North Star Players would cover the play productions this year.
June Pixton Gaede
officially advises The North Star Players who would continue to be chartered members of the National Thespians Society but were moving away from the reference.

Speaking of Murder
Star Players Liz Litteral and Dawn Knowles, probably as Connie, the young aspiring actress and Annabelle the sweetly murderous nanny from the production of Speaking of Murder by William and Audrey Roos, the fine American murder mystery of 1956.

Senior Thespians

Dawn Knowles, last year's Lady Capulet, would graduate this year.
1977 - 1978

This photo of the National Thespians was taken on the set of The Diary of Anne Frank.

June Pixton Gaede
Teacher of Drama
Director of plays
North Star Players advisor

The Diary of
Anne Frank

The set and cast of The Diary of Anne Frank, fall production in 1977.

Robert Hawes and Margo Sayer audition for Anne Frank.

Bridget Bonnet preparing for Margo Frank.
Cast members seated in the house get notes from the rehearsal.

Otto (David Dowdy) leads the cast in prayer.
Kenny James as Mr. Kramer.

Margo Frank is Bridget Bonnet.

Peter (Howard Sherman) and Anne (Kim Cooper).​
Mrs. Frank (Denise Dowdy) comforts Anne (Kim Cooper).
The moment we knew the dress rehearsal was incomplete...
David Dowdy as Otto Frank.
Mrs. Van Dann (Virginia Myers, NSP treasurer) and the cat.
Anne (Kim) muses over her words.
Thespians at work...

Lighting technician Kevin Moore works cues from the wings.
Mrs. Gaede edits sound cues on the old reel to reel tape recorder.

Jonda Baker uses the tape recorder to learn her cues.
...and Play!

Jonda becomes a Driller Killer advocate.

Bridget Bonnet would rather clown around backstage.

Drama Festival
travels about town
Peggy Simpson and Robert Hawes as Nellie and Mookie of Dirty Work at the Crossroads, a melodrama festival cutting from an earlier (1971-72) production.

Dance Moderne
NHS Modern Dancer Julie Humphrey portrays Juliet from Romeo and Juliet.

Elaine Sadocchi enjoys her performance.
Tammy Horack and Cindy Thompson suspend the 70's vibe.
Julie Humphrey portrays Juliet.
Vaudeville Theatre
Born in France, Vaudeville was originally a comedy work interspersed with poetry or song; it evolved into a song and dance variety show popular in American theatre in the late 1800's.

Taming of the Shrew

Star Players Peggy Simpson as Kate, David Dowdy as Petruchio from Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew.