Star Players
Not far from home, this 2006-2007 North Star Players club members included Trevin Willis, Jean Kroutil, Kalee Gentry, Leanna Plyler, Alex Abrams, , Kristen Cowans, Erin Walter.
North Star Players officers:

Kristen Cowans
Jean Kroutil
Vice President

Chris Ford

Wes Freeman

Chelsea Bullock
Lawrence Orr
North Star Players
director, advisor
This year, the North Star Players would put up a second NHS production of FOOLS, attend the Shakespeare Festival, and the CSUB Spotlight Festival where we performed a cutting from our spring production of Orderves in the Court, a farce written by Mr. Orr.
by Neil Simon
The Star Players offered Neil Simon's FOOLS for this year's fall 2006 production. Cast members included in this shot are Leanna Plyler (Mrs. Zubritsky), Chelsea Bullock (Sophia), Alex Mitts (Leon), Wes Freeman (Mr. Zubritsky) Kristen Cowans (Slovitch) Jean Kroutil (Snetsky), Alexandra Abrams (Yenchna), Brylyn Stacy (Mishkin), Kalee Gentry (Magistrate). Not pictured are Count Gregor (Chris Ford), Cow/Stage manager (Trevin Willis).

In rehearsal, we filled in our the crew, including Nicole Casper, Clay Heesacker, Lisa Cervantes, Erin Walter, Chris Ford, and Trevin Willis.

Cast members Wes, Chris, Alex, Jean, Brylyn, Kristen, just before the show, doing their warm-up exercises:
"Lips, Teeth, Tip of Tongue..."

Snetsky (Jean Kroutil) looking for her lost sheep.
Slovitch (Kristen Cowans) looking at her found sweep.

Lenya (Leanna Plyler) and Nikolai (Wes Freeman) pray for help for Leon to break the curse of stupidity.
Here, Sophia steals a kiss from Leon on stage.
The young lovers, Leon and Sophia (Alex Mitts and Chelsea Bullock) steal a hug off stage.

So, bringing on the wedding is our comedy chorus doing a little dance, gettin' down tonight: Yenchna (Alex Abrams) Slovitch (Kristen Cowans), Mishkin (Brylyn Stacy), and Snetsky (Jean Kroutil)

Magistrate (Kalee Gentry) tries to marry these two before anyone objects.
Too late. Count Gregor (Chris Ford) objects!

But it doesn't work! Leon fools the fools with his fake letter and the marriage is made!
V for Victory!
Jean, Leanna, and Alexandra celebrate after the play.

A last look at our cast. There's more work to be done, guys!
The spring 2007 production:
Orderves in the Court

The Star Players cast of characters for Orderves in the Court, the hit comic farce, included: Alexandra Abrams, Alex Mitts, Lisa Cervantes, Nicole Casper, Bryce Vlach, Wes Freeman, Clay Heesacker, Mike Penkauskas, Chris Ford, Nicole Morey, Chelsea Bullock, Trevin Willis, Brylyn Stacy, Erin Walter.

Orderves was full of quirky characters in the courtroom, witnesses to the murder and its investigation. Nicole Morey played Miss Sheila Helov, Jean Kroutil as Emma Malone, Bryce Vlach as George U. Nutzokowski, Chris Ford as Brock Woodsmanson.

Mike Penkauskas as Court Clerk swearing in Nicole Casper as Gracie O'Casey.

Jimmy G. Shindig (Wes Freeman) escorting Sheila Helov (Kalee Gentry) and Sydney Poontneninius (Alex Mitts) pontificating with George U. Nutzokowski (Bryce Vlach).

Judge Justin Hardley (Trevin Willis) busied himself at the bench.
Clerk (Mike) swears in Sheila (Kalee).

Girls of the Court include Nicole Casper, Lisa Cervantes, Chelsea Bullock, Nicole Morey, Alexandra Abrams.
Iris Craven (Chelsea Bullock) at rest, which was much needed for when she couldn't rest, pushing around Brock (Chris).

Emma Malone (Jean) questions kid sister Leeva Malone.

The CSUB Spotlight Festival
"Orderves in the Court" Scenes
Senior Star Players, 2007
These excellent senior Star Players would leave us this year, each of them accomplished performers who carried on the quality of NHS theater.

Chelsea Bullock
NSP Best Acress 2007

Nicole Casper

Kristen Cowans

Wes Freeman
NSP Best Senior 2007

Clayton Heesacker

Jean Kroutil

Alex Mitts
NSP Best Actor 2006 and 2007

Nicole Morey

Leanna Plyler