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1999 - 2000

Mr. Orr
Star Players
Director, advisor

The North Star Players family continues to add newcomers to its roster of performers and technicians, picking up some Safety Kids in the summer program.

Bard, and Bard Again was our fall production of scenes from Shakespeare's plays, including our award-winning cutting from Pericles Prince of Tyre for the local festival, Neil Simon's Fools for the winter show, and Bye, Bye, Birdie our spring musical. We topped off the year with another awards banquet.

A Crash Drill day was filmed at the airport, full of bloody actors and other fun.


Star Players activities during the Summer of '99...

Star Players club members joined forces with regular summer school students in this year's work program. The Kern High School District program paid vocational students for their time spent in helping build the community. These actors and tech crew members produced a touring show that performed at local elementary schools promoting safe behaviors. Pictured is a rehearsal moment from the touring play The Safety Kids. The show featured such Star Players as Ronnie Hargrave, Reanah L'zhay, Aaron Duemmel, and Kara Essman.

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Actor and Tech student Aaron Duemmel at work with the hi-tech CRT. Remember, actors, "Acting is the reality of doing." - Sanford Meisner

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Billy Bender between construction jobs.

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Aaron and fellow Star Player Kara Essman rehearse a scene.

Here, Aaron has spotted a loose nail for Billy to tap down near Kara's foot.

Billy: "Time for my toe-nailing technique." Kara is wearing her steel-toe shoes, we hope. 

Crash Drill 2000

"Love Will Kill Ya" Video of the Star Players as crash victims at the Bakersfield airport.

The Masters of Disasters pose in their crash drill make-up, red badges of courage. 

Some may think this local news broadcast content too much for children so watch it elsewhere, folks.

The Fall Production:
"Bard and Bard Again"

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The fall production would be a night of Shakespeare scenes, many from selections for past local competitions.
Here, Heidi Hackett, Erika Orr, Steve Verrell, Nathan Antwine, and Billy Bender from Romeo and Juliet.

Parolles (Corey Chadwick) comtemplates his cowardice.

In a scene from All's Well that Ends Well, a Soldier (Tara Anderson) holds captive Parolles (Corey Chadwick) while fellow Soldiers (David Blake, Aaron Duemmell, Nick Cooper) take an all-in-fun aim.

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Jason Colbert and Billy Bender from Pericles, Prince of Tyre

Rehearsals started in October, as usual. It takes 6 to 8 weeks of after school work and some weekends to be ready to open late November.

The annual Shakespeare competition

This year's competition entry from the North Star Players included our ensemble scene from Pericles, Prince of Tyre, a duo scene from The Taming of the Shrew, and a monologue from Hamlet.

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Marina (Erika Orr) sings to her ailing father, Pericles (Nathan Antwine). Erika and Nathan also performed a duo scene from Taming of the Shrew.

Kourtney Hawkins would finish First Place with her Ophelia monologue from Hamlet.

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Early rehearsals for Tonya and Russ make for interesting staging choices.

"Saturday's competition brought out the best in our performers, some under dire conditions. Kourtney's monologue astounded the judges with her depth of emotion as the mad Ophelia from Hamlet - she won First Place. 
Erika, on her way to the competition, totalled her car. She was uninjured and decided to compete as planned as her car was towed away. She and partner Nathan Antwine performed in the Duos competition the first Katherine and Petruchio scene from Taming of the Shrew - they won First Place.
On Friday, our ensemble scene from Pericles, Prince of Tyre, just missed a first place assessment. Oh, Fie! We missed the trifecta!" - Mr. Orr

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Erika Orr as Marina from Pericles, Prince of Tyre, would be awarded Best Actress for the Festival.

by Neil Simon

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From the Breaking the Curse scene in Fools. "Ah, women!"

Our winter show tradition continued with the production of FOOLS. It would be one of several productions of this fine play.

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Yenchna (Heidi Hackett) pulls her Cow (Ben Taylor) to stage left past Mishkin (Jason Colbert) Slovitch (Aaron Duemmell) and Snetsky (Taja Beiber).

Lenya (Kourtney Hawkins), Nikolai (Billy Bender) hope daughter Sophia (Erika Orr) can be the efforts of Leon (Ronnie Hargrave).

Count Gregor (Nick Cooper) proposes marriage to Sophia, and Leon and Lenya all at once. 

Magistrate (Steve Verrell) gets an eye check-up from Dr. Zubritsky.

Stage Crew members worked hard moving the wagon sets about the stage. They included Ben Taylor, Jason Walker, Erin Verrell, Ali Glick. 

Star Player across the galaxy...

Star Players participate on many stages throughout the year. Brandy Knight would get into the action at a winter rally singing to "I Will Survive."

Star Players Ronnie Hargrave and Erika Orr participate on a school costume (and cool props) day. Oh, those days of yore...

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Star Players Amy Franklin, Billy Bender and Aaron Duemmel.

Star Players Patrick McDonald and Heidi Hackett.

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Alli Sturn Freshman VP

Active in student body, Star Players are natural leaders across campus. Krista, Erika, Kari, Aaron, and Ali Sturn represent their classes during the year.

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Erika sings at the game.

Kourtney and Erika and friends at the Formal.

Bye, Bye, Birdie

The Annual Star Players Awards Banquet

Once again, students voted for each other in various categories for their acting or other theater skills and contributions. Star Players always try to be one happy family.

Kourtney Hawkins

Nick Cooper

Brandon Swansfeger

Amanda Barker

Ronnie Hargrave

Kara Essman

Aaron Duemmel, the Workhorse of his day.

Jillian Elyse

Taja Beiber

Mr. Orr and daughter Erika.

Billy Bender

The class of 2000 Star Players say farewell

Erika Orr

NSP Best Actress 2000

Erika Orr would graduate this year after numerous play productions, including three mainstage plays as a freshman, one as a sophomore, two her junior year, and all three productions as a senior. She would have auditioned for more but for her dedication to cheerleading and ASB.


Erika also performed in many of our theater competitions locally, winning honors there as she won the hearts of her community members. 


Erika was voted NSP Best Actress 2000 for her talented contribution and dedication to the North Star Players.

Nathan Antwine

Heather Baker

Amanda Barker

Taja Beiber

Billy Bender

Nick Cooper

Kara Essman

Amy Franklin

Heidi Hackett

Ronnie Hargrave

NSP Best Actor 1999 and 2000

Cherim Hastin

Kourtney Hawkins

Multi-talented Kourtney would continue studying and then teaching theater education 

Brandy Knight

Mary Jane Morton

Jamie Muskrat

Kari Neal

Alana Peck

Brandon Swansfeger

Ben Taylor

Aaron Duemmel is recognized as the Star Players Best Senior 2000 for his dedication to both performing as actor as well as stagehand, manager, carpenter. Aaron spent many hours preparing the plays other than acting rehearsals. He also managed to be active in student body and sports. He is a leader who is dependable, trustworthy, and well-liked by all.

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