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1978 - 1979
North Star Players
National Thespians

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June Pixton Gaede

North Star Player director, advisor

The Miracle Worker

Star players Kim Cooper and Kay Brundage as Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan from The Miracle Worker, the second NHS production of the popular play.

Captain Keller (David Dowdy) aggressively talking to son, James (Jerry Jones).

Anne (Kaye Brundage) must fight hard to get Helen (Kim Cooper) to learn table manners.

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Anne (Kay) works a miracle when Helen (Kim) learns to associate the word water with its meaning.

Helen (Kim) is haunted by memories of the past tauntings at school.

Anne and Helen learn to love each other after all the difficult teaching.

Cast members here include Jerry Jones, David Dowdy, Kay Brundage, Peggy Simpson, Lori Hitchcock, Kim Cooper.

A scene from The Miracle Worker performed in February, 1979 in O'Neill Hall.

NHS Modern Dance night

January 18 was a night of modern dance that included Disco, Calypso, and no So-So dancing by NHS Modern dancers. Members of the performance included: Kim Tackett, Carine Cardamore, Cathi Hanna, Elaine Feist, Brenda Blakely, Shelly Robind, Mary Ralphs, Karyn Florence, Lisa Creswell.

Senior Star Players

Jessica Cargill,

notable Star Players senior

The 1979-1980
North Star Players

formerly National Thespians Troupe 1293

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June Gaede

North Star Players director, advisor

"Up the Down Staircase"

Cast members for this second production of Up the Down Staircase included: Kaye Brundage, Paul Fisher, Crystal Monte, Nancy Trivlitt, Pat Sporer, Ken Gentry, Susan Kopicki, Dee Dee Lewis.

Susan Kopicki and Dee Dee Lewis, actors and dedicated set painters.

Rea Schacter (Crystal Monte) and Charlotte Wolf (Nancy Trivlitt).

Principle JG McHabe (Pat Sporer) and Joe Feroni (Ken Gentry)

Sylvia Barrett (Kaye Brundage) Paul Barringer (Paul Fisher)

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Go NorthStars!

Another iconic sign of the greater community, showing support for North High!

One North Star calling home using the high tech communications box known as a TELEPHONE.

North Star Players Seniors

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Catherine Kaye Brundage
Kathy Dela
David Dowdy
Paul Fisher

1980 - 1981
North Star Players

June Gaede
North Star Players
director, advisor

The Mousetrap
by Agatha Christie

This would be the second production of the perrenial play favorite.

Mollie (Peggy Simpson) and Giles (Kevin Morris rehearse the gift scene.

Giles (Kevin) checking the Monkwell Manor guest list over Mollie's (Peggy) shoulder.

Stage Manager Earl Armstrong discusses the lighting with Bob Cazell.

Major Metcalf (Cal Morrison) reveals to Mollie (Peggy) that the phone line is out.

Inspector Trotter (Mike Cazell) and Christopher Wren (Chad Fuller) rehearse a tense scene.

Lighting technician Dennis Kinney throws a light cue for The Mousetrap.

Modern Dance and Ballet

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