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1966 - 1967
Thespians Troupe 1293

So many great names here, including Pat Brundage, front row, fifth from right.
NHS English teacher June Gaede would continue her distinguished career taking on the job as this year's Thespians director and advisor.
National Thespians Troupe 1293 officers:
Pat McDonald, President; Donna Diebel, Treasurer; Ken Kopecky, Vice President; Pat Brundage, Secretary.

William Shakespeare's
Twelfth Night
Viola (Karen Kinser), Fabian (Randy Smith), Sir Toby (Mike Cariker) Sir Andrew (Ken Kopecky).

Viola (Karen Kinser) acts as messenger to the Duke's reluctant love, Olivia (Donna Diebel).

The entire cast at the final curtain call of three sellout nights.
Modern Dance

In the cage, Janet Kilburn pines for freedom.
'Lil Abner
the musical

Senior Thespians

Michael Cariker
Donna Diebel

Karen Kinser

Ken Kopecky

Randy Smith
1967 - 1968
National Thespians

Pam Hooten
Drama Teacher
Thespians Advisor
The Lark

Members of the senior class play "The Lark" make a final appearance.
Joan (Karyn Scott, far left) Inquistor (Dick Cook, center) and cast members of The Lark rehearse, as seen from the beam loft. As predicted, the set-building materials woud be well-used for many years.

Marty Wattenbarger prepares the costume of the Little Queen (Una Smith).

David Gough handles audio and spotlight control.

Stage crew members are careful not to make any sudden moves on the scaffold.
Thespians shine

Steve Nall and Brock Thoene rehearse Harvey.

Modern Dancers


Advanced modern dancers Pam Richardson, Elaine Olberg, Mary Millican at the Modern Dance Concert.

Senior Thespians of 1968
Dick Cook
Donald Gough

Karyn Scott
Lee Gholz
Deb Rector

Una Smith
1968 - 1969
NHS Thespians

Troupe 1293's theme song for this year: "Where the Boys Are."
Pam Hooten continues to lead the Thespians as advisor.

A Midsummer Night's Dream
NHS's first production of the famous play.
The lovers sort out their feelings for each other.

Faieries really dig Bottom.

Oberon (Bob Blalock) and Puck (Mike Wascher)

The Rude Mechanicals rehearse.

Selling weiners at intermission.

Back for Act 2: Steve Nall, Steve Geye, Mike Clinton, George Trempor rehearse the Tragedy of Pyramus.
The Miracle Worker
Cast members rehearsing the student body play,The Miracle Worker, the first production of the popular play.
Nancy Figgs and Stephen Nall rehearse as Annie and Captain Sullivan.

Modern Dancers

Senior Pat Brundage finishes her career at NHS with honors.

Intermediate dancers first row: Debbie Ford, Margie McAfee, Loretta Clour, second row: Julie Captain, Debbie Baughman, Nedy Carter, Roberta Dugan, third row: Barbie Bowles, Diana Illingworth, Dana Wallace, Pat Manning, Carolyn Jasper, foruth row: Donna Lewis, Debbie Lewis, Rosie Silas, Nancy Fields.

Graduating Senior Thespians

Karen Worley
Pat Brundage would leave North High for a short time, returning again with an advanced degree and Secondary teaching credential and craft a distinguished career.
Ms. Brundage would teach English for many years, eventually becoming the Department Chair. She would help with several play productions.
Pat would later earn a PhD and be fondly referred to by her students as Dr. Brundage.

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